High Place Ministries’ “Prayer Mobile” is now a reality. Take a look. Our prayer team is always ready to bring prayer and love to a communinty near you.

Kingdom Worship Gathering January 14. GOD’S MESSAGE TO YOU. You are so BEAUTIFUL TO ME. Did you know that? Imerse yourself in this meassage of love.

HIGH PLACE MINISTRIES IN REVIEW. 2024 was a busy and glorious time of service to our King. Please watch and share with others.

Our Mission, For Kingdom Living.

Now added to that focus is the assignment of constructing and managing a non-profit multi-use ministry center.  Imagine, a place open to many ministries and community organizations working toward the health and well-being of the body of Christ and the community at large. Furthermore, the center will include a community kitchen, Joseph’s storehouse, temporary studio housing for single moms, interns, or elders in need, as well as much more!

For this reason, it will take the efforts of many people to complete this project. First, consider this a legacy project, one you may want to be a part of.  Second, this is a project that will serve many generations to come. Finally, we pray you will desire to learn more and become a part of this vision. It will take the efforts of many people to complete this project.  We hope you will desire to learn more about this project and assist us with this vision.

Come and visit us at our new home.

How can healing, inner healing, and deliverance manifest? Through safe, quiet, and anointed healing rooms, with trained guides. 
High Place Ministries has a fabulous new space that has it all! Room to stretch out, hold Gatherings, and worship with dance and flags. Perfect for Kingdom Living. Please make an appointment to meet us.




Community worship, praise, and short NUGGET. LEARN MORE.

A ministry of flowers, hugs, prayers, and smiles to those in assisted care. LEARN MORE

Our Mission

There are times and seasons in all of our lives when we need to be covered by or surrounded in prayer. Whether you are experiencing physical illness, depression, anxiety, family issues, or financial issues, come and receive a touch from the Lord.  If you feel weary and lack the strength to go on, the Lord has your answer.  The Lord has paid for your healing.  

 Come and Receive from Him. 

High Place Ministries is a ministry dedicated to coming alongside the body of Christ and all people in need, assisting them, through prayer, to access answers from the Lord, that have already been provided.   We believe that most physical problems have a root in a soul wound or a generational iniquity.  First, we believe the Lord has already provided Healing and Deliverance for ALL who believe Him and desire to seek Him (Psalm 103:2-5 NIV). Second, our ministry is committed to Healing and Deliverance for Body, Soul, and Spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit. High Place Ministries teaches, trains, and ministers according to the WORD of the Lord, and by His Grace..


He Waits to Heal and Deliver You

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Is 40:31

By choosing High Place Ministries in your King Soopers/Kroger account under “community”…or adding Amazon Smile to any Amazon purchase and checking High Place Ministries, High Place Ministries will receive a donation from these corporations. Your everyday purchase can bless our ministry as it shares the Word of God.

ATTENTION- Your purchases from King Soopers/Kroger and Amazon can bless our ministry through charitable corporate donations.

login to your King Soopers/Kroger account and click on Community Rewards (on the left).  Click under Find an Organization and type in High Place Ministries.  When the button for High Place pops up, click on the Enroll Button

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